Vote by November 5th, 2024

Why I'm Running

About Me

Julie Strahan has been an elected member of the Roseville City Council since 2020 and an involved citizen of Roseville for nearly 20 years. As a member of the Roseville Council, she serves as the Council Liaison to the local elected officials, currently Sen. John Marty, Rep. Jamie Becker-Finn, Sen. Jason Isaacson, Rep. Alice Hausman, and Ramsey County Commissioner Mary Jo McGuire. She is also appointed to the Board of the Ramsey County League of Local Governments and the Board of Metro Cities. Julie serves on the Wage Theft and Tax Fraud Tax Force with the Carpenter’s Unions, and the Climate Caucus of state and local elected officials. She is involved with Local Progress to advance Economic and Racial Justice in governmental policy, and the League of Women Voters. Julie’s children, Kathleen, Maggie, and Cormac attended Roseville Area Schools – Julie served on PTA at Parkview Center School and the theatre and band boosters at RAHS. She lives with her husband of 33 years, Frank, and her dogs, Scout and Tally. You’ve likely run into Julie while she’s out for her daily walks or when she’s working on her flower and vegetable gardens. Julie has served as choir director at St. Rose of Lima and Resurrection Lutheran, and has collaborated with nearly every church in the Roseville area.

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